When women have greater autonomy and increased opportunities they are Empowered. And when women are empowered they take action to benefit themselves, their families, their communities, and others. However, the majority of African women (and girls) are disempowered. For example:

  • In Sub-saharan Africa, 32 million fewer women have access to the Internet than men
  • Women still work very long hours in agriculture and in the home for minimal wages
  • Girls consistently have lower enrollment rates than boys at all educational levels


In leadership positions, women develop policies that support women and girls, and continue to provide greater opportunities for jobs, education, and health services.


In South Africa, an increase in the number of female lawmakers helped advance legislation promoting gender equality – such as providing equal land rights to women and ensuring reproductive rights.


In Burkina Faso, financially empowering adolescent girls and their families positively impacts their sexual behavior and health.


Delays in marriage are associated with greater educational achievement and lower fertility. Lower fertility can increase women’s life expectancy and has benefits for children’s health and education.

Economic Stability

1 extra year of secondary schooling for girls can increase their future wages by 10 to 20%