Lieutenant Colonel Mike Lerario (US Army, Retired), a Leadership Development Consultant for CWC, will deliver Adaptive Leadership: Cultivating Adaptive Leaders in an Age of Change at Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake, CA. The 2-day Training will take place May 24-25. Seth Kaplan, CEO...

In June, DeeDee Smartt Lynch, a Team Engagement Consultant for CWC, will execute 3 Team Engagement Trainings for 6.0 Department Heads, Divisions Heads, Branch Heads, and Technical SME’s at Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake, CA. DeeDee is the newest member of the CWC...

On Feb 14 Seth Kaplan, CEO of Corporate Warrior, met with Col. Russell Frasz, Air Force Director of Force Development at The Pentagon, to discuss AF education, training and development for DoD civilians and military personnel. On March 2 Seth will meet with representatives from...

Dr. LeVonder Brinkley, CWC Chief International Consultant, will be traveling to Nairobi, Kenya on February 13-19, 2017 to provide educational, leadership, and empowerment workshops for Kenyan youth, women, and businesspersons. This is Dr. Brinkley’s second trip to the continent. Previously, she represented CWC at a...

I am pleased to announce that Corporate Warrior Consulting has entered into partnership agreements with Lucy Academy in Ethiopia ( and the British Institute for Management and Technology in Cote d’Ivoire ( These 2 agreements represent CWC’s commitment to providing educational, consulting, and empowerment services...

On Jan. 9-12, Seth Kaplan, M.Ed., provided the CWC Peak Performance Program (PPP) at China Lake, CA - home of Naval Air Station Weapons Division. Kaplan will next provide PPP at NAVAIR headquarters in Pax River, MD on Jan. 24-26....

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