Dr. Kennette Thigpen

Dr. Kennette Thigpen, LCSW, affectionately known as “Dr. K,” serves as a Mental Wellness Consultant at Corporate Warrior Consulting. Concurrently, Dr. K is the Chief Executive Officer of Welltrust Partners, serving as a Corporate Mental Health Consultant, Speaker and Trainer, bringing her expertise to the forefront of organizational wellbeing. In addition, Dr. K is the Chief Clinical Officer of the world’s largest Employee Assistance Program, providing strategic initiatives and clinical oversight to 18 offices around the globe, serving participants in 200 different countries and territories.

Dr. K graduated from East Carolina University with a Master’s degree in Social Work, and earned a Doctorate in International Psychology (with a concentration in Clinical Trauma) from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.  Dr. K is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with nearly two decades of experience. Dr. K is certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in psychological health and safety at work. Additionally, Dr. K is certified in Psychological First Aid.

Some of Dr. K’s impactful consulting projects in the corporate sector include:

  • Designing bespoke clinical assessments for first responders, utilizing Motivational Interviewing (MI) techniques.
  • Providing crisis support in response to workplace accidents/deaths, redundancies, natural disasters, organizational restructuring, workplace violence, and secondary trauma.
  • Developing and implementing customized mental wellbeing programs for educational institutions (college, universities, K-12) and specialized in populations such as mariners, seafarers, miners, first responders, and aviation.
  • Facilitating training sessions and delivering keynotes on critical topics such as mental wellbeing, psychosocial risk factors, organizational culture, resilience, burnout, and employee engagement.

Dr. K has extensive experience in the areas of mental health, behavioral health, juvenile justice, and child welfare – driving transformative results in diverse organizational settings. Dr. K has been featured in Forbes Magazine and her expertise has been sought out by organizations like the NCAA, The Wall Street Journal, Verizon and International SOS.

In addition to her professional endeavors, Dr. K is the author of “Cut Yourself Some Slack,” a transformative book and workbook offering practical strategies for mental health empowerment.